Medical Report on the Use of Natural Source BQ-2 (Bzenec), Rogatec-Sobonky, for Therapeutic Purposes
Land Plot Number 3256/1,
Cadastral Territory Rogatec,
Hodonin District, South Moravian Region
Territory Number 2014/02 V
City of Karlovy Vary, November 2014
1. Introduction
Based on the agreement with the company «Bohemia Beverage Industry Group, s.r.o.» (Legal Address: March 12, 2014), we present this hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical report on the groundwater from borehole BQ-2 in Rogatec-Sobonky, located approximately 6.6 km from the spa town of Hodonin. Land parcel No. 3256/1 in the cadastral territory of Rogatec is owned by the client.
In accordance with Act No. 164/2001 of the Code of Laws, this report is prepared for the certification process of the artesian well — underground water borehole BQ-2 as a natural therapeutic source.
The medical report on the use of source BQ-2, Rogatec-Sobonky, is based on the following documents:
- Comprehensive chemical and microbiological analysis conducted by the Analytical Laboratory of Natural Healing Sources of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (Legal Address: Závodní St. 94, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) on March 19, 2014, Laboratory Protocol No. RL 030-14.
- Study on the use of BQ-2 (Bzenec) water for therapeutic purposes – Phase I conducted by the Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Brno, Purkynova St. 118, 61200 Brno; prepared by PhD, Ing. Petr Sedlacek, Brno, January 2014.
- Testing protocol by the accredited analytical laboratory «ALS Group Czech Republic, s.r.o.» (Legal Address: Na Harfe St. 336/9, Prague 9, Vysocany, 19000, Czech Republic); responsible person Zdenek Jirak; on November 7, 2013; in accordance with Notification No. 252/2004, as amended by Notification No. 187/2005, 293/2006 of the Code of Laws.
- Experimental pilot project for water extraction, Order No. 13 21 of September 27, 2013, executed by «EKOHYDRO s.r.o.» (Legal Address: Skrochova St. 41, 61500 Brno).
- Assessment of water extraction testing and designing the protection zone of the water source BQ-2, Assignment No. G – 98/2007 from March 2008, executed by «SURGEO, s.r.o.» Comprehensive geodetic and geological work, radon measurement, GIS (Geographic Information System), Legal Address: Plucarna St. 3560/1, 695 Hodonin.
- Protocol on the microbiological analysis of drinking water extracted through borehole BQ-2, No. 1404/2014, conducted by «Chemila, spol.s.r.o.» (Legal Address: Za Dráhou St. 4386/3, 695 01 Hodonin) on July 14, 2014.
- Protocol on the microbiological analysis of drinking water extracted through borehole BQ-2, No. 1405/2014, conducted by «Chemila, spol.s.r.o.» (Legal Address: Za Dráhou St. 4386/3, 695 01 Hodonin) on July 18, 2014.
- Laboratory Protocol of comprehensive analysis No. RL 441-14 BQ-2 compiled by the Analytical Laboratory of Natural Healing Sources (Legal Address: Závodní St. 94, 36000 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) on October 17, 2014.
The report is based on the preliminary medical report from June 24, 2014.
2. Conclusion
Classification of groundwater: Natural, low-mineralized water, bicarbonate-calcium-sodium composition, cold, hypotonic.
Total mineralization: 333 mg/l.
Major cations: Sodium (48.5 mg/l), Calcium (18.2 mg/l), Potassium (1.2 mg/l), Magnesium (9.3 mg/l).
Major anions: Bicarbonates (214 mg/l), Chlorides (20.6 mg/l), Fluorides (0.09 mg/l), Bromides (0.098 mg/l), small amounts of Iodides (0.117 mg/l).
From the total low mineralization of 333 mg/l, a significant portion is the metabolizable bicarbonate – 214 mg/l.
Undissociated components: Boric acid – 0.851 mg/l, Silicic acid – 16.8 mg/l.
Osmotic pressure: 19 kPa.
Relative to the internal environment, the mineral water is hypotonic.
Other macro-, micro-, and ultra-microelements: Lithium, Barium, Strontium, Manganese, Chromium, Aluminum, Beryllium, Copper, Uranium, Cesium, Rubidium, Cobalt, Cadmium, Nickel, Zinc, Molybdenum – found in minimal concentrations.
Heavy metals: Iron, Silver, Mercury, Tin, Lead, Vanadium, Arsenic, Antimony, Uranium are present in very insignificant, biologically insignificant concentrations in this mineral water.
Organic substances: Humic substances in this groundwater are primarily fulvic acids; characterized by low humification and low content of polar functional groups. Humic substance content is 1.0 mg/l, meeting the standard for groundwater.
Small amounts of volatile organic compounds, organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; small amounts of fluoranthene (0.0012 μg/l) and pyrene (0.0013 μg/l), corresponding to sources in the region.
Increased amounts of ammoniacal nitrogen (1.38 mg/l), ammonia and ammonium ions (1.77 mg/l, 1.12 mg/l, 0.95 mg/l, 0.92 mg/l).
Analysis of volatile organic compounds did not identify vapor components explaining the observed slight «petroleum» odor of the water.
Radioactive components: Present in insignificant amounts: Uranium <0.002 Bq/l, total specific alpha activity 0.09 Bq/l, total specific beta activity <0.044 Bq/l; correspondingly – 0.01 Bq/l after correlation with potassium content; Radium 226 – 0.02 Bq/l.
Content of dissolved acidic gases: Freely dissolved carbon dioxide (<9 mg/l) and sulfate (<0.005) – very low.
Dissolved non-acidic gases: Found in the amount of 23.0 ml/l; more importantly, methane (16.05 ml/l), others (helium, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, argon, ethane, ethylene, propane, butane, isobutane) – insignificant.
Organic processes in the water lead to a negative oxidation-reduction potential (-206 mV), which increases its antioxidant properties – effective from a therapeutic point of view.
Microbiological parameters:
Initial analysis during experimental testing indicated that the indicator limit – colony count (colony-forming units) at 22°C (42 CFU/ml) – was more than doubled in the mineral water. The analysis confirmed the presence of coliform bacteria (8 CFU/100 ml).
However, in subsequent samples taken in July and October of the same year, the microbiological parameters were within normal limits (see Protocols No. 6, No. 7, No. 8).
3. Use of Underground Water from Borehole BQ-2 (Bzenec), Rogatec-Sobonky for Therapeutic Purposes
The assessed groundwater is low-mineralized, has a high pH level, is hypotonic, has a very low oxidation-reduction potential, is uncarbonated, cold, with negative microbiological parameters in subsequent studies.
3.1 Internal Balneotherapy
Drinking Regimen
a) For patients with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, increased gastric secretion, functional dysphagia, biliary tract dysfunction, and hypotonia of the gallbladder.
It is recommended to drink 200-300 ml 30-45 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
b) Due to its antioxidant properties and low mineralization, the water is suitable for patients with cardiovascular diseases, compensated hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus.
It is recommended to drink 100-200 ml 30-45 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart decompensation, uncontrolled hypertension, renal failure at stage G3a (GFR value 0.75-1.0 ml/s/1.73 m²), nephropathy with impaired filtration and concentration function.
Relative contraindications are conditions associated with fluid retention in the body.
3.2 External Balneotherapy
Low-mineralized water is uncarbonated. Therefore, for external balneology, the water will need to be saturated with carbon dioxide or provide bubbles with the help of air, and add plant ingredients.
a) Carbonated Baths
Mineral water is heated to 30-34°C; beneficial for patients with peripheral circulatory disorders;